Kommentare aus der AMAZONAS-Box
Politik und Technik aus München - Pazifistisch
mit dem Fahrrad (Peace, cycling and more)

to end suicide attacks

Dienstag, 8.8.2006    

The only thing that has proven to end suicide attacks, in Lebanon and elsewhere, is withdrawal by the occupying force. - Robert Pape, University of Chicago, im britischen Observer.

"Das einzige Mittel, das in der Lage war Selbstmordattentate zu beenden, ... ist der Rückzug der Besatzungstruppen".

Pape untersuchte unter anderem solche Attentate im Libanon in der Phase 1982 - 1986: Of the 41, we identified the names, birth places and other personal data for 38. We were shocked to find that only eight were Islamic fundamentalists; 27 were from leftist political groups such as the Lebanese Communist Party and the Arab Socialist Union; three were Christians, including a female secondary school teacher with a college degree. All were born in Lebanon.

Gefunden via Palästina/Libanon-Seite vom Münchner Friedensbündnis.