Kommentare aus der AMAZONAS-Box
Politik und Technik aus München - Pazifistisch
mit dem Fahrrad (Peace, cycling and more)

G8 summit is over

Donnerstag, 21.6.2007    
In London und anderswo wird diskutiert:
So the G8 summit is over for another year. Another big protest with lots of action, meetings, fun and annoyances. Huge blockades, self-organisation, lots of energy spent and gained.
Was it worth it? Did we succeed? Did we fail? What did we want to achieve anyway?
We want to reflect on what happened – what worked, what didn't – and how we can do better next time. And what exactly to do next time. What lessons did we learn, or find that we should have learnt? What did we learn that will be useful for all our other struggles against this system of destruction? Let's use the energy we mustered during the protests to make our future actions even better!
Get some feedback about repression, share your experiences of the G8, in Germany or elsewhere, and plot and scheme future ideas for protests.

Bei uns läuft das auch, so z.B. gestern im Marat, heute beim Friedensbündnis, am Dienstag in der Münchner G8-Runde (steht jeweils, wenns klappt, im Terminkalender).

Bei dieser Gelegenheit:
Many Thanks! - Dank an die Internationalen
Die für mich überraschend große internationale Beteiligung - von Tschechien bis USA, von Finnland bis Italien, Frankreich, Schottland, usw. - bedeutete eine starke Ermutigung!