Kommentare aus der AMAZONAS-Box
Politik und Technik aus München - Pazifistisch
mit dem Fahrrad (Peace, cycling and more)

"... bring back the Baath Party"

Montag, 10.4.2006    

... The ongoing dialogue between the U.S. and the Sunni insurgency is based on a shared wariness about the influence of Iran and its supporters in Iraq. U.S. officials are now saying bluntly that it's time to bring back the Baath Party, excluding only those that are guilty of specific crimes. That reflects a growing acceptance among U.S. officials that the military and bureaucratic know-how in the Sunni community is badly needed, even to help run the security forces that the U.S. is standing up. ...

aus Iraq's Turn for the Worse Brings U.S. and Baathists Closer, Time Magazin, 15.3.2006, (via ANTIWAR BLOG)