One State Department official told us: “We are increasingly concerned that Israel wins all the battles but is losing the war.” vom Angry Arab
...und hier noch einer vom selben:
My favourite moment came when I pointed out that journalists should be on the side of those who suffer. If we were reporting the 18th-century slave trade, I said, we wouldn't give equal time to the slave ship captain in our dispatches. If we were reporting the liberation of a Nazi concentration camp, we wouldn't give equal time to the SS spokesman. At which point a journalist from the Jewish Telegraph in Prague responded that "the IDF are not Hitler". Of course not. But who said they were?
und noch einer:
Gaza, not Iraq, will prove to be Bush-Cheney's biggest foreign policy disaster on the long run. (As big as Iraq will be).
There are anti-Semities who intrude on the pro-Palestinian advocacy movement, and they attempt (wittingly or unwittingly) to contaminate it. One Gilad Atzmon is one of those classical anti-Semites. Anti-Semites are not friends of the Palestinian movement and they should be rejected from our midst. These are friends we can do without. The Palestinan people deserve better than those haters.