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Politik und Technik aus München - Pazifistisch
mit dem Fahrrad (Peace, cycling and more)

Down under: Sozial Forum

Mittwoch, 10.8.2005    

"GreenLeft weekly" kommt aus Australien - die Fragen sind ähnlich wie bei uns.

" ... Arundhati Roy's saying, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way”, was the theme for the fourth Brisbane Social Forum (BSF), held at the University of Queensland Student Union on the weekend of July 29-31.
Up to 300 people attended the BSF 2005, which was sponsored by unions, environment organisations and other political and community groups.
The opening Friday night forum was addressed by Jacqui Katona, well-known spokesperson for the Mirrar Aboriginal people in their campaign against the expansion of the Northern Territory's Jabiluka uranium mine, and Dita Sari, president of the Indonesian People's Democratic Party and a leader of the militant FNPBI labour federation. ..."
... weiterlesen.