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Archive - Dez 19, 2014 - Artikel


Freitag, 19.12.2014    

Die Radikalisierung der Innenminister

hier klaue ich den gelungenen Titel von Matthias Monroy, um seinen wie immer treffsicheren Text zu bewerben:

the fundamentally oligarchical framework that drives American political life

Im "Intercept" zu lesen:

Jeb Bush yesterday strongly suggested he was running for President in 2016. If he wins the GOP nomination, it is highly likely that his opponent for the presidency would be Hillary Clinton.
Having someone who is the brother of one former president and the son of another run against the wife of still another former president would be sweetly illustrative of all sorts of degraded and illusory aspects of American life, from meritocracy to class mobility. That one of those two families exploited its vast wealth to obtain political power, while the other exploited its political power to obtain vast wealth, makes it more illustrative still: of the virtually complete merger between political and economic power, of the fundamentally oligarchical framework that drives American political life. ..

Schach mit dem Rubel ...

Pepe Escobar fiel mir gelegentlich schon auf. Hier - leider nur Englisch - zum aktuellen "Währungskrieg":

Keine Ahnung wie es ausgehen wird und wer da Recht hat - jedenfalls ist es ein Europäischer Amoklauf, der hier stattfindet.